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New Orleans, LA, 70119
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Meet Mixologist David Springer

Beth Ribblett

We are about to launch a series of mixology classes and wanted you to meet our partner in this exciting venture, David Springer. Look for sign up info for our Mixology 101 class in next week’s email!

“It all started at the tender age of 12, when I started mixing drinks for my dad's wrap parties. The drinks were terrible. Nobody cared. It was the '70's.

Fast forward to the Naughties, when I realised that a cocktail could be so much more than booze in a cup. I learned from the masters and honed my skills as a mixologist in San Francisco. I wanted to share this knowledge with everyone, so in 2012 I started a business giving mixology labs for private parties and corporate events. I also ran a regular mixology workshop at The Sea Star in Beautiful Downtown Dogpatch. My business partner and I were billed as "two of San Francisco's finest mixologists".

Since then, I have taught mixology lessons and mixed cocktails in places as far away and exotic as Pattambi, India; Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i; and Denver, Colorado. (In Pattambi I also taught a wedding party the Electric Slide, but that's another story.)

I want everyone to know how to mix a great cocktail. Even if you never make your own cocktails, you can use the skills you learn to order drinks like a pro, and truly appreciate a well-made and properly balanced mixed drink. Life is too short for bad cocktails.”